Sunday, June 05, 2005

So my car....

Got broken into and nearly stolen. They tried, but only succeded in ripping out the ignition, or at least damaging it. It may be that the damage is only on the surface, in which case I thank God. Or it may be that the ignition needs to be replaced. It didn't look amazingly bad, but I did see broken springs, you know, the little tiny ones that are incredably important no matter where you see them.

I fear to put a key in it and test it out...beause what if I break it even worse than it's already broken. Oh well, nothing I can do about it till Monday anyway. That's when I get my parents van for a little while, and they get the rental car provided by the insurance company. I'm not quite 25 so I can't drive it myself. I don't know why they selected 25 as the magic age for being allowed to rent a car. I know twenty-five is the average age when men's testosterone drops sharply, but the rule applies to women as well. Who knows, maybe it only applies to both so they can't be sexist.



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