Thursday, December 02, 2004

Well aint that a B!@#$

Aparently one of my sisters in Christ at church has cancer. This is what I get for not going more than every four weeks or so. Not that I have a lot of choice in the matter, but still, being out of the info loop sucks. I really, really, really need to get up there every weekend, somehow. My brother is finally going to get Cathecised (forgive the spelling, I'm depressed and worried). This is beyond gret, but how I'll get him there ever weekend is a mystery to me. I may be forced to take someone up on their offer of gas money. The reason I didn't take it before was because I felt that A) I get up often enough for myself anyway, seeing as how I do get confession and communion every time I go. and B) There are surley people who need it worse than I do, considering how much cash our church doesnt have.

Getting ready for Grad school is hectic. I've got my letter of reccomendation materials all printed and ready to roll, beyond which most of them are in the hands of the people who need them to write the letters. Past that I have to actually sit down and fill out all the applications. Not exactly sure when I'll do that but Friday is looking good since I have it off work (that just occured to me now actually). I've got two trips coming up, and I don't want to take either of them, but I can't not do them. First, I've been invited by my sister to Las Vegas for New Years. Never mind that this is in the middle of Orthodox Nativity season and the last thing I ought to be doing is hiting Vegas for any reason, but I'm also going to be loosing probably $200 by not working those four days. I'm on the verge of telling my sister that I have to cancle on her. I REALLY don't want to do that though. We've never really had much of an opportunity to hang out, and I can tell that this is totally important to her. I'm religiously forbidden form gambling (I presume anyway, I cannot imagine Orthodoxy actually allowing it), and I can't afford tickets to any of the shows. So I'm going because I cannot turn my sister down in this case, it is too important that I do something with her. Not going would be wasting a priceless opportunity to mend fences and build a better friendship with her.

The next trip is also to God Forsaken Nevada, except Reno, and for a much more wholesome purpose. My Brother (the one begging for cathecism) has an anual Pole Vault meet there. My mother, who likes to lean on me about things I've never actually gone and done with the family, leaned on me about this. It was kind of a guilt trip thing, I like my little brother, but I'd be lying if I said I was all that interested in his pole vaulting. Why I'm not, I don't know, I think it's because I've been moved out of the house since before he started doing it, it's just never been a part of my world.

Maybe I'll cancel that. I'll have hell to pay from my mother but...I can't do everything. In fact I'll have to. If I miss that week, that will be two weeks I miss during january, and there is no way in hell I can pay rent and be gone that long. Well, one trip has to go, and I'm sorry, but I see my brother all the time, and he and I are close friends. My sister on the other hand has never liked me, and this is a sincear invitation, and she really wants me there. I've got to pick, I pick Vegas for New Years. I'll get burned for it, but I litterally cannot do both.

Also, tonight the bank ATM screwed up. I was asking for $20 so I could pay for parking at the U of A tomorow, it spit out $220. Draining my account of half the money required for the rent cheque I wrote yesterday. Thanks to the "Check 21" law that went into effect with the election, it now only takes around 24 hours for a check to clear or bounce, effectively eliminating the float time. So I had to cancle my first experiment down at the U of A so I can go put the cash back in my account. A minor annoyance, and more of one to the poor sucker who got his (probably very important) two credit experiment cancled at the absolout last second, but I can't get evicted now can I?

Things are crazy, hectic isn't a good enough word. On the plus side, I've found a computer alarm-clock program so effective that I effectively do not fear waking up late anymore. Rock on.

Thaks be to God for all His many blessings and His Son our Lord Jesus Christ whom has Given us the Victory.

Praise be to God!

Alexey the Sinner


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