Monday, December 13, 2004

Nativity Season

I wish I had a normal life. It would be nice to be caught up more in church than in anything else. I wish that the rest of my life were stable, or at least on a predictable curve (as opposed to the 'chaos-theory-demonstration' which is the grad school application process). All I'm saying is, it would be nice for the Holy Season to have an unchallenged spot in my life. Now, it ought to have this anyway. Priorities have always been a phantom problem for me. But a hundred and twenty miles seperate me from my house of worship and the task which is required for me to have a career is at hand. I hope I'm doing His will with this thing, because other wise, I'm putting the wrong foot forward getting so caught up in it, especially during the buildup to the celebration of the birth of the Savior.

Alexey the Sinner


Blogger Fr. John McCuen said...

Here's how it works:

You start by praying for God's blessing to do His will.

Then, you consider each possible course of action. Is it something God has forbidden? If not, keep going. Is it something God has said is desirable (above other things)? Move it up on the list.

Next, consider your reasons for each option -- why is it attractive to you? Then, consider: Does the attraction help or hurt your battle against your passions? Does the attraction help or hurt you in your acquisition of the virtues?

Take the resulting list back to prayer; and ask God to help you choose. If there is more than one thing left on your list, it probably means that any of the options are acceptable to God. Ask Him to help you select the one that is the most pleasing to Him; weigh these things once more in your heart; and then choose, and proceed, trusting that God has, indeed, led you to the correct choice!

6:55 AM  

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