Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Nobody ever comments on my Blog

Ergo all my thoughts and observations are perfect! Awsome! The reason nobody ever leaves me a message except when I'm acting like an ass is that those are the only times when my prose is less than celestial in it's quality! That or nobody is actually reading the Blog. But I am a much loved and admired semi-public figure in the community of Orthodox Bloggers, so that cannot be the case. I am also good looking and drink really good dark beer. Which is redundant, non-dark beer is, well... calling it non-dark beer is the strongest insult I can sling at it anyway so why bother? That being said let me waffle a little here and speak to the praises of both Fosters and Killians Irish Red, from the tap, I'm not a barbarian no matter what those central europeans my ancestors slaughtered by the thousands say.

What else?

I want you to know I sat here for a full minute fulminating in my own mental juices looking for something intelligent to say before it occured to me that I am, in fact, a guy. And am therfore neither capable of nor required to degin to say such things.

Where was I?

Ahh yes, the search for meaning amongst the infinite electrons of the Intarweb. Check please, reality has left the table and I shall be joining her soon.

Where was I?

Ahh yes, the search for a clever witticism with which to end this post. Heres one:

The road to a mans heart begins at his door. Seriously, were simple creatures that stopped evolving sometime during the last ice age. Just show up. Say you want us, and we basically nod, grunt, buy you stuff, and then ask for nothing other than your warmth and affection, and forgivness for not remembering to lift the lid.

That is all.


P.S. Friday is Blackjack night for me and a few friends. My grandmother gave me $50 with instructions to (and I quote) "Spend it foolishly". So wish me luck, maybe I can pick up dinner for my buddies if I win.


P.P.S. Is Lex a cool nickname for Alexey?

P.P.P.S Or do you prefer Alex?

P.P.P.P.S I'm a little bored.

A-Lex-Ey (whichever you like)


Blogger Karl said...

Just to let you know, I read your blog. :)

9:37 PM  

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