Sunday, February 20, 2005

Ya ever know someone who....

....just could not, for the life of them, catch a break? Such is Jessica, a co-worker of mine. She has, quite possibly, the hardest struggle for day to day life of anyone I know, at least anyone not homeless. She's poor, and I mean poor, not like me. I'm a student with parents who help out with the bills and only myself to care for. She's supporting herself, her otherwise helpless druggie ex-boyfriend, whom (if I understand correctly) might well starve on the street without her to at least give him a place to stay.

I give her rides home from work sometimes. I asked God for opportunities to do good works for people. It occured to me after she asked me for another ride, litterally the day after I prayed that prayer, that I was getting exactly what I asked for. And even if I hadn't asked for it, it was something I desperately needed. So it would seem that the poorest girl I know, with the hardest most desperate (yet somehow stable) situation I know, is rendering a service unto me. All I had to do was go get a cheese burger while she shopped for some supplies at Wal-Mart after work and then drive her home. The catch being that all this is going on after midnight, when we get out of the store after closing.

Now, I have no life. Astonishingly, when I got home, my gaming buddies were still online and I had some good games. On top of which I'm still riding the high of my (unexpected) acceptance letter from SUNY Buffalo. The drawback was that I didn't get to go home and hang out with my Dad. Now, I hadn't really wanted to go to my parents house tonight, but he had wanted me to. I think he doesn't like being alone in that house either. The thing being, it's a fairly big house (four bedrooms, and office, three bath, dining room, living room, family room, two storie), and being all alone with the animals, there, does feel wierd. The thing was, I didn't want to sleep there. I sleep a lot better in my own bed. My dad had work to do anyway, so I would have basically driven home (this is assuming I hadn't needed to help Jessica) watched TV while he worked, maybe watch it with him a bit after he got done, then crash there, then go back the next morning. I felt like a heel for not doing it, but damned if I could override the fear of bordome and just agree. We would have had minimal interaction, and I'd have just left in the morning at some point. Maybe he just wanted me there. I can understand that, just wanting someone arround.

I'd changed my mind about going home, but that was when I remembered I'd already prommised Jessie. To be fair, I had promised her a ride well before my dad asked me to come home for the night, so I couldn't have done it anyway, but I did feel like a jerk.

Anyway, I'm going to hang out with him tomorow. Dont' know what we'll do, but it hardly matters.



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