Saturday, July 09, 2005


Rather than tell the story a third time I'm just going to paste here what I sent in an E-mail (part of the e-mail anyway) to my priest. Summs it up pretty well.

I got into a fistfight with my brother. It was mostly him, but I did my part. Most noteworthily, I hit a kid who (I'm told now) had a legitimate anger managment problem. We made up and I apologized.

The serious bit about that is that as I was driving home, my mom called my cell to ask if I was OK after everything that happened. She was crying and noticably upset. I couldn't have been about us sluging it out, becuase that was just stupid.

Actually it was because after Colin stormed off after our encounter, he came back to the house, and when she opened the door, he jumped her, knocked her down, and shoved her face into the ground how many times I don't know, but her neck is very sore now aparently.

The point of all this is that I experienced the warm blooded (definitly not hot or cold) desire to make his face into hamburger. Understand I wasn't angry at him, and I don't like my mom even a little bit. I just knew, in a very calm and collected way, that the next time I was alone with him, he was going to come within an inch of his life.

So, not a good night. Sorry, that sounded flippant.

Naturally, having had time to think it through and calm down, I'm no longer planning Colin's first near death experience.

Guilty. If it's any consolation my face will be an interesting map of purple in the morning, a nice reminder of the idiocy of the night before.

God forgive me.



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