Sunday, July 10, 2005

My Brother.

Colin is his name. He was a featured character in the last post to this Blog wherein we got into a fight. A physical fight, not verbal.

For years I had thought that my parents complaining about Colin's temper was just that, griping. I figured that any excesses of his (he being the youngest and therfore the least tolerated when he finally got a little older) they would hammer down harshly. But I've seen him in action a few times now. He can't, or doesn't, control his anger. He is utterly indifferent as to our parents authority (though he might be in the minority if he weren't), has exactly zero respect etc...

Sound familliar? OK, factor in his being effectively an only child since his sister and I both moved out years ago. Factor in that he is a high level athaleet. Very physically strong, and, increasingly aggressive.

He's on a new medication for acne. I forget the name of it but aparently behavioral changes are a possible side effect. I'm hoping, and praying, that what I'm seeing in him now is a temporary amplification of his anger, and not it's genuine resting level. Because if it is, then he is a physically dangerous person. And that will have to be dealt with sooner or later.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That medication you speak of is Accutane. Can cause serious depression.

12:18 AM  

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